What Is StoryDevs?

Story­Devs is a com­mu­ni­ty for de­vel­op­ers of story-fo­cused games and vi­su­al nov­els. Its pur­pose is to pro­vide de­vel­op­ers with free in­fra­struc­ture that makes re­cruit­ing, sharing, and ed­u­cat­ing easi­er.


Story­Devs is under de­vel­op­ment. Here's the fea­tures that are on­line:

  • A Tal­ent Database that al­lows devs to make pro­files that are search­able by cri­te­r­ia such as avail­a­bil­i­ty. Cur­rent­ly only art-re­lat­ed skills are avail­able — in the fu­ture there will be more.
  • An event sche­d­uler that al­lows devs to cre­ate pub­lic even­ts (streams, con­fer­ences, etc) which others can see in their local time.
  • Fo­rums for devs to dis­cuss their craft and con­nect with others.
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