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This thread is locked. It can­not be re­plied to, nor have its posts edit­ed or delet­ed.


Please read our rules so that we can keep this a place for pro­duc­tive dis­cus­sion.

Introduce Yourself
jake @jake
Admin they/them, he/him
Aug 6, 2021
Edited Aug 7, 2021


  1. No bigotry. This includes but isn't limited to: racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and so on. Includes dogwhistles.
  2. No "brutal" honesty. The regular kind suffices.
  3. No NSFW content. Artistic/incidental nudity is fine. NSFW projects can be linked to and discussion is fine.


The approach we take with these rules is that they're indicative more than a complete list of commandments — intended to give you the gist of how this site works.

Things like intent and the trajectory a person's development is on matter. Someone may inadvertently express a bigoted view and it's the mod team's job to guide them and the discussion away from that.

There is also a threshold where the behaviour or sentiment is incompatible with the site. For StoryDevs that's when the person isn't willing to change.

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