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How To Report Bugs

Be­fore sub­mitt­ing bugs please read this post.

Support / Suggest
jake @jake
Admin they/them, he/him
Aug 12, 2021
Edited Aug 12, 2021

So, you've encountered a Bug. Here's what to do when reporting it:

  1. Hardware & software. List your browser, OS and device. For desktop computers "desktop" will suffice for device.
  2. Describe. What you were doing before hitting the bug? What exact steps lead to it?
  3. Show. If relevant and possible, a link to an image or video of the bug can be very helpful.

Following these three steps can mitigate the amount of time it takes to reproduce and fix. Thank you!


This is not a real bug — it's simply to demostrate the sort of submission desired.

  1. iPhone 8 / iOS / Safari.
  2. When I visit the talent database the search column is empty. Can be reproduced by going to my account then directly to the talent database - it doesn't seem to happen otherwise.
  3. Here's how it looks.

The explanation of how to reproduce and the image can be very time saving since I'm probably going to ask about these anyway :)

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